RBC JCC Sports Dinner - where champions come to give back.
The RBC JCC Sports Dinner is an annual charity event which raises money for the JCC of Greater Vancouver. The JCC provides a number of targeted social and recreational programs to engage members of the community, and individuals with diverse needs including learning disabilities and mental health challenges. The JCC offers low barrier inclusive programming for youth and adults. We recognize that diverse needs come in various forms: physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. We seek to include all members within our diverse community from preschool to seniors. We are committed to a community where all individuals are valued for who they are and the gifts they possess. We believe in giving everyone their opportunity to shine.
The RBC JCC Sports Dinner is one of Vancouver's premier networking opportunities. This event provides a chance for the guests to be inspired by individuals who have achieved massive success in fiercely competitive fields, whether they are on a pitch, a hockey rink, a boxing ring, a track, a court, or a gridiron.
Gallery of Past Years
Committee & Leadership Team
Committee Co-Chairs - Jason Apple, Jason Takefman & Zack Ross
Sponsorship Chair - Mike Averbach
Committee - Aaron Saks, Alexis Demmery, Alvin Wasserman, David Dachis, Jason Apple, Jason Takefman, Jeffrey Barnette, Jeffrey Goldberg, Jeffrey Shafran, Josh Bender, Leo Franken, Mike Averbach, Noah Cantor, Shiera Stuart, Robert Down, Zack Ross, Jordan Kohn, Lindsay Goodman
JCC President - Johnathan Weisman
JCC Executive Director - Eldad Goldfarb
Director of Special Events and Sponsorship - Jess Musoke
Development & Event Coordinator - Sue Mete
Production Manager - Karen Christensen Events
Auction Manager - Coastal Community Partnerships (Jessica Hoffman)
Marketing Team - Writer’s Block Solutions (Kyla Girling, Val Rossi, Sky Regina, Elise Volkman, Mark Falk)